Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day #100: A Break in the Action

I have come to realize in order to meet my overall goal, I have to spend time away from my kids.  This surely doesn't sound like a mommy thing to say, but it's the truth.  Right now I am still tied to the baby's schedule since she is still nursing, but in the near future, this stage will be over and I will have a bit more freedom.  I just may go crazy and take advantage of this once it happens (both out of excitement and sadness that more than likely this will be the last baby I nurse).  

Today I had the opportunity to escape for a few hours to get my hair done and have lunch with my husband...alone.  It was heaven.  My stylist probably thought I was unfriendly, as I brought a book along to read, but I just wanted to soak up my two hours of peace and quiet.  It was delightful.  I left feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and quite hungry!

My husband and I had the opportunity to enjoy lunch at a nice restaurant and talk without interruption.  I am working to convince him we should take a much-deserved mini vacation this fall, so it was the perfect opportunity to discuss this option.  I think it is hard for him to understand I simply don't WANT to go on vacation, I NEED a vacation.  Without the kids.  To reboot the system, get some much-needed rest, and relax.  Oh, it sounds heavenly!

It is not selfish to take time for myself.  At times it takes some convincing, but it would be healthy to spend a bit of time apart.  At least that's the pep talk I'm giving myself!  Excuse me while I search for a great mini-getaway...


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