Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day #36: Quick Prayers...Many, Many Times Per Day

My husband is heading out of town for nearly a week.  This makes me feel very stressed, anxious, and quite honestly, a little jealous.  While most of it is for work, some is for play and even the work portion contains extra and/or over-the-top activities that may just be considered fun (if you ask me).  Every year I dread this time period.  At times I feel like a whiney brat, but maybe it's okay to not look forward to the challenges that lie ahead in the next week.  Maybe it's okay to wish that I had some time or the opportunity to travel somewhere new.  Life will certainly not stop here just because he's gone.  In fact, I feel like there is a ridiculous amount of "stuff" on the calendar.  I am trying to eliminate some of them.  In addition, we have a lot of outside distractions we're dealing with right now, so I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed.

I am trying very hard to say a quick prayer when my feelings or concerns begin to surface this week.  It's not the easiest task, but I'm trying.  I fully understand my life could be much worse.  My kids are healthy, I have help, and the problems we are currently faced with are temporary.  It will all be okay.  I just need to have faith that I can get through this week without losing my cool too often (because let's face it, it will happen!) from the stress and lack of sleep that is sure to come.  Quick prayers, over and over again.


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