Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day #18: Slowing Down

There a days life throws us a slight curveball and forces us to change our normal pace.  Friday was one of those days.  My sweet little baby woke with a fever and just needed snuggle time with Mommy.  We are so fortunate that Grandma was available to chaperone a school field trip last minute and took our little guy with her while our oldest daughter was at preschool.  This gave me the whole morning to just snuggle my sweet, sleeping baby and help ease her discomfort a bit.

Yes, there were plenty of things I could have done during that time.  I could have laid her down and had a very productive cleaning and de-cluttering our house, but I wouldn't trade those baby snuggles for anything.  Soon those days will be gone and my arms will be aching for those moments.  Some days I just need to slow down and soak up the season of life we are in.  There are days when our sweet kiddos just need their mama...they could care less about a vacuumed floor or dusted woodwork!


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